Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why am I taking a Social Media Course?

My name is Jonny Christoffersen. I am taking a professional social media course because social media has become an integral part of our society today. However, that doesn't mean that everyone innately understands or knows how to use-especially when it comes to using it for marketing, PR, or other business-related purposes. So what are some goals of mine for this class?

      3 goals for this class
  1. Personal Branding: This is a concept that is a direct result of the internet age we live in today. I wanna be able to understand that i have a public image to uphold (whether you understand it or not, you have one).
  2. Learn to Twitter well: I have been a twitter holdout for a while now and finally got one about a month ago. This is one of the harder sites for me to figure out. I don't have the twitter lingo down yet, but by the end of this class, my goal is to know all the insides and outs of this networking site.
  3. Have a successful bookmarking site: By having a delicious account, which is the world's largest social bookmarking site, I want to successfully innovate different uses of this site to connect with others, have a variety of bookmarked sites to go off of, and have many social mentions on the site as well.

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