Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Blogging 101

A blogging site can do things that no other networking site can accomplish. It allows you to build a fuller picture of who you are, whereas, it would take you 500 tweets to fully explain yourself on Twitter. Most people will meet you through other places...but if they like what they read on twitter, then they'll follow you back to your blog and find out more about who you are. As a newbie on these particular sites, I'm still trying to figure out the best way to catch my readers.

3 tips for beginning bloggers
  1. Know your audience-Your blog's design and content should reflect the expectations of your audience
  2. Be consistent- Your blog is a brand. (Still trying to figure this one out myself)
  3. Be yourself- Your blog is an extension of you and your brand, and your loyal readers will keep coming back to hear what you have to say.
2 resources for developing social media writing skills
  1. http://sloanconsortium.org/conference/2012/blended/blogging-develop-writing-skills-and-increase-student-content-student-student
  2. http://weblogbetter.com/2012/01/03/how-to-develop-a-distinct-writing-style-as-blogger/

What is Mashable and how it helps Non-Social Media Users?

Mashable is the largest independent news source dedicated to covering digital culture, social media, and technology. Mashable's 20 million monthly unique visitors and 4 million social media followers have become one of the most engaged online news communities. Mashable's mission is to empower and inspire people by spreading knowledge of social media and technology.

3 Articles/Resources  in Mashable to help get you "Up to Speed" on Social Media

  1. http://mashable.com/2009/01/18/how-to-use-twitter-on-the-go/ 
  2. http://mashable.com/guidebook/twitter/ 
  3. http://mashable.com/2007/09/20/sync-bookmarks/ 
These are just a few resources from Mashable that have helped me get started with social media. In this day and age, social media is taken on a mind of its own and can be difficult if one has never used it. The hardest thing to keep in mind, is it needs to be done properly, or else, your leverage is minimized. Mashable does a great job laying it all out there in simple terms.

An infograph on the importance of SMC

This is an infograph on Fortune 100 companies and how they are leveraging social media. I found it interesting. Take a look!

How Companies are Leveraging Social Media 55 Interesting Social Media Infographics

Why am I taking a Social Media Course?

My name is Jonny Christoffersen. I am taking a professional social media course because social media has become an integral part of our society today. However, that doesn't mean that everyone innately understands or knows how to use-especially when it comes to using it for marketing, PR, or other business-related purposes. So what are some goals of mine for this class?

      3 goals for this class
  1. Personal Branding: This is a concept that is a direct result of the internet age we live in today. I wanna be able to understand that i have a public image to uphold (whether you understand it or not, you have one).
  2. Learn to Twitter well: I have been a twitter holdout for a while now and finally got one about a month ago. This is one of the harder sites for me to figure out. I don't have the twitter lingo down yet, but by the end of this class, my goal is to know all the insides and outs of this networking site.
  3. Have a successful bookmarking site: By having a delicious account, which is the world's largest social bookmarking site, I want to successfully innovate different uses of this site to connect with others, have a variety of bookmarked sites to go off of, and have many social mentions on the site as well.